Thursday, November 30, 2006

Tarzan, London and Su En

And so I spent my first Thanksgiving ever! Time with cousins and Wil, THE dude was great. Amazing how we all hit it off.-I guess this is what they call group chemistry. Most of my trips have been with Candice in the past three years in the UK. And the recent trip reminded me of two trips: One was Austria with Peich,Guan,Chang,ChangYong and the other was Isle of Man with Davyd, June and Mark.Both trips were marked with much laughter, the magic of hols:going to new places with company that u enjoy.
And this time,

I really enjoyed....

-sharing one bed with ling and wei! our late night chats....the record was till 5am!haha.
-Wilson and his philosophical questions and him half sleep talking
-walking around blurry eyed while doing midnight shopping and being so amused at myself for shopping at an obscene hour....!ha. the jam along the highway. who can forget our utter amazement? as we saw the row of lights lined we approached nearer. horror, amazement. rude drivers, impatience, fatigue mixed with excitement, anticipation. an experience in itself.
-meeting Jess the QUeen for lunch and egg tarts. Had a wonderful catch up and i am resigned to the fact that Jen and her are going to see much more of each other over the next few years, while the two of them are ONLY coming to visit me in Singapore when ....I get married, they tell me.
-meeting Leon, Kelvin, Ken and Leon's childhood friend, Dennis.

And so, while watching Tarzan, it reminded me of student life back in London, which wasn't that long ago!haha. I mean, I was still there a few months ago, studying for finals( like what I'm doing now) Anyways, watching Tarzan not only reminded me about London, it made me miss it!haha. Watching musicals was one of our favourite things in London, all those student discounts! Remember watching Woman in White with Shar and Su en, and three of us loved " I believe my believes in youuu"and so, it just made me realise that life in London as a student was something that was of the past. Something, a phase that I would not return to. Kinda bittersweet. Someone once told me everything on hindsight is always sweeter. Cos you're not in the mundane grind of things, but recollection functions by selectively remembering what's golden and good, such that what remains is a fond memory of untainted enjoyment. It's the same person who told me that I have selective memory.

In any case, i wasn't sad to leave London this time partly cos I was busy packing (the other jaslim from MIC if ever u read this will remember the panic i went through) and also cos I had lived it well, fulfilled most of the things i wanted to do and most importantly, spent time wtih precious people that I didn't shove aside due to work.

But I guess missing isn't a bad thing. It's human.

And to top it all up, yesterday, while trying to revise atBarnes and Nobles, Su En rang and like old times, we talked and talked and talked. haha. All those late night MIC nights. Roman Holidays, Audrey Hepburn, me falling asleep on ur white rug which i copied and bought, shortbread, instant noodles, dirtying ur cushion with my chocolate fingers, marks and spencer goodies....HA.

My pastor said once, at the end of it all, life is about relationships.

It's simple. cliche sounding? but

I can't agree more. i couldn't agree more.

And so, I thank God for the people in my life.
in the daily grind of life,
it's love that uplifts weariness,
that helps to quicken dragging feet, adding a spring to one's step.

with the stress and fears,
love comforts and strengthens.

and the greatest love of all,
is found in the story of One who gave up His life for me.

I dont' always feel it. somedays, those feelings run low....
but i thank God that even as my love is not constant, His is,
as stable as the line one sees gazing far out into the horizon.

off for japanese class!=)

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Hearing this brings me back to the magic of the stage while watching Tarzan-

Come stop your crying, it will be all right
Just take my hand, hold it tight
I will protect you from all around you
I will be here dont you cry

For one so small,you seem so strong
My arms will hold you keep you safe and warm
This bond between us cant be broken
I will be here dont you cry

And youll be in my heart
Yes, youll be in my heart
From this day on
Now and forever more
Youll be in my heart
No matter what they say
Youll be here in my heart

Why cant they understand the way we feel
They just dont trust what they cant explain
I know were different but deep inside us
Were not that different at all

And youll be in my heart
Yes, youll be in my heart
From this day on
Now and forever more
Youll be in my heart
No matter what they say
Youll be here in my heart

Dont listen to them, cause what do they know
We need each other, to have and to hold
Theyll see in time,
I know
When destiny calls you, you must be strong
I may not be with you, but you gotta hold on
Theyll see in time, I know

Well show them together cuz...

Youll be in my heart
I believe, youll be in my heart
Ill be there from this day on
Now and forever more
Youll be in my heart
No matter what they say
Youll be here in my heart always

Always...Ill be with you
Ill be there for you always
Always and always
Just look over your shoulder
Just look over your shoulder
Just look over your shoulder
Ill be there always

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The Interior

Sunlight streaming through the panes...and the transparency of nature before ur eyes...

Presenting The Glass House

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Wisdom in waiting

There is wisdom in waiting

to move according to the rhythms of grace,

which are never too fast, never too slow, but always in time,

cos all things are made beautiful in His time.

If life is a dance,

I would that You be the chereographer and I dance according to your beat.

If life is a tune sung,

may it be that I sing to the pace of the melody.

for Your feet run according to Your heartbeat of love for me,

pushing me forward when I do not dare to take a step,

holding me back when it is not time, whispering to tell me to slow down,

for hope does not disappoint,

because the love of God has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

He makes me lie down in green pastures...

arent they cuuuuute?

the one on the right is me!


Friday, November 10, 2006


chancing upon fortunate discoveries without being in pursuit of them...

Its full blown autumn now and the colours are amazing...especially on a sunlit day.
different shades of yellow and red...

and after a day of rain,
there are imprints of leaves on the pavements...
the accidental design of nature or:
the imprint of nature itself?

love it when i look above and the cluster of leaves are weaving a blanket of colour over me...

this is the day to be out basking in the sunshine..

rainy days like yesterday are meant for snuggling in bed, warm cosy and with a mug of hot chocolate, dreaming far away dreams...or sitting in oolong tea bar with a friend, chatting and sipping fragrant teas, each sip warming u up on the inside, the delicious tea trickling down ones throat....ooh lala!

there are questions to be answered, work to be done, people to think about...

but above all, me thinks when nature is arrayed before u in all its splendour,

just breathe. take it all in. feast ur senses.

for tomorrow is another day, the unfolding of another story, of another chapter, of more discoveries....
and the questions may still be there...
the question marks persist....

but into the hands of You Father, I give em.

thank you for the gift of today.