Monday, October 08, 2007

It's been...

awhile since I've written on this blog...

and! while time has ticked by,
i just celebrated my 23rd birthday, four times this year on three different days! hee.

The best of which was the one spent with my family, this year, extra special, cos we have a new addition to the family.
Someone who has a teethy, cheeky grin,
someone with a gleam in her eyes,
that absolutely makes my day, even when skies are grey,
yes, even on dull dull mondays.
Someone who wears her emotions on her face,
who does not bother to hide behind a personality, a persona,
someone who demands your attention when she wants it,
and who laughs with her tiny head thrown back.
My dearest jovi!

The other best part of it was spent strolling, walking, singing, laughing, fighting!
Precious time not to be forgotten,
i can almost still feel the breeze!

ni yao xiang xin,
xiang xin wo men hui xiang tong hua gu shi li,
xing fu he kuai le
shi jie ju.


Blogger sheena said...

jasmine... i forgot to pass ur present to my parents. it's still with me. how? i'm back in feb though... 2-12 feb. can i pass it to u then? if i can find some time to visit a post office (they're only open during office hrs when i'm stuck in the office!) i'll post it to u. otherwise, u come and get it from me la! how's life? why no photos of u on ur birthday? how's ur niece??? has she started running around???

2:52 AM  
Blogger jasmine said...

hello my dearest nana.please remember to call me when u're back!and i want my present my love!
no photos cos lazy to post, hee.
jovi is doing grrreat, u must see her when u are back, she's crawling around!non stop i say!
how are u dearest!

11:07 AM  
Blogger Yu-hsuan Su said...

hey princess jas... oops I missed your birthday... but I believe that you had a lovely day! Did you get my e-mail a while ago? Hope you are doing very well :)

1:37 PM  
Blogger jasmine said...

yu-hsuan princess!
have u been playing the piano???!

yes i received ur previous email but havn't ahd time to reply, will do so by end this week.

ive been busy at work but next week is orientation so things should slow down a little...

never mind missing my birthday.but if u want to make up for it, u can come visit me!!!in singapore!=)

2:23 AM  

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