Wednesday, May 23, 2007

All because we do not carry,everything to God in prayer...

"Can we find a friend so faithful,
who will all our sorrows share,
Jesus knows our every weakness,
take it to the Lord in prayer...
In His arms, He'll take and shield thee.
Thou art find thee solace there."

Just spent some time hearing a sermon on the love story of Ruth...and
feel so refreshed! Truly, better is one day in your courts than thousands elsewhere.

Ever felt like time was passing so quickly that days pass without you knowing, and u can't tell one day from the other?

Spending time with Jesus, is like time stands still,
and one retreats into a state of rest, a deeper tranquility...

And today is day two of tidying up the pigsty and sorting admin.

Weekend was spent in New York with Su En,
and my my, it felt like old times, to be awfully cliche.
Seeing her and talking with her, and hearing her update me on friends back in London,
makes me feel as though i never left it at all,
never left MIC...

Those precious times,
those memories,
those conversations and certain points in time.

I thank God for every gift,
in things big and small,
shown to me through the people I've met,
the sights I've seen,
the beauty I witness,
the beauty of memories that linger...

and thank you Su En,
for the words of life you spoke to me.
Your words were uplifting and filled with His love,
filled with the wisdom of Abba...
It was like fresh manna from heaven.

In Chinese, they call it yuan fen.
I like to think of yuan fen as tian fen.
because to me, God is behind it all.
The people you meet,
the paths that cross yours,
some for a season, some for life,
each season is a divine portion
bestowed to us from daddy God,
each portion beautiful in its own time,
each adding to the kaleidoscope of our story,
the love letter He writes on our heart.

And so I've learnt, still learning,
to not look so far ahead,
to not look far far back,
but to enjoy the day,
the season,
the right now,
cos He has my tomorrows and He's faithful to happy endings,
and cos His glory is my rearguard, my glory and the lifter of my head.
and His word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.



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