Friday, November 10, 2006


chancing upon fortunate discoveries without being in pursuit of them...

Its full blown autumn now and the colours are amazing...especially on a sunlit day.
different shades of yellow and red...

and after a day of rain,
there are imprints of leaves on the pavements...
the accidental design of nature or:
the imprint of nature itself?

love it when i look above and the cluster of leaves are weaving a blanket of colour over me...

this is the day to be out basking in the sunshine..

rainy days like yesterday are meant for snuggling in bed, warm cosy and with a mug of hot chocolate, dreaming far away dreams...or sitting in oolong tea bar with a friend, chatting and sipping fragrant teas, each sip warming u up on the inside, the delicious tea trickling down ones throat....ooh lala!

there are questions to be answered, work to be done, people to think about...

but above all, me thinks when nature is arrayed before u in all its splendour,

just breathe. take it all in. feast ur senses.

for tomorrow is another day, the unfolding of another story, of another chapter, of more discoveries....
and the questions may still be there...
the question marks persist....

but into the hands of You Father, I give em.

thank you for the gift of today.


Blogger jer said...

hey! =) yup I love the colors too! :D

1:57 PM  
Blogger jasmine said...

beams...yea they are amazing arent they?jesus painted the world for us, and the seasons too...=}

11:53 AM  
Blogger jer said...

amen amen. =)
all's well i presume? =) heading up new york for the break? =) have fun!
oh will u be back home during winter? =)

2:19 PM  

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