Thursday, April 27, 2006


Have you ever seen the faces of loved ones
waiting at the airport
for those they love to return?
Eyes darting here and there,
in search for the familiar face,
they've missed.
Faces aglow when they catch sight of the
familar head,
amongst all the other bobbing heads.

Have you ever seen the faces of boys and girls,
waiting round the christmas tree,
eyes glued to
all the glittering presents
that lie beneath that tree.
The delights that lie under those wrappers,
waiting to be torn.
Oh will the day ever come?

Have you ever seen the face of a father,
waiting outside the operation theatre?
Glancing anxiously at the door,
awaiting for the doctor to walk through.
Waiting to hold the gift of God-his baby-in his arms,
cuddle it close,
and hold the hand of his wife,
the divine union that brought forth new life.

Have you ever seen the face of a bridegroom
standing at the end of the aisle,
Trying to be still, stand tall and be calm while
waiting for the doors to be flung open,
thoughts racing, heart beating,
waiting to see the fair lady
walk through,
each step she takes,
bringing her one step closer to
him calling her his own,
the dream fulfiled.

Have you seen the face of the bridegroom,
of all bridegrooms,
gazing at His bride,
saying to her,
'you are all fair my love, beautiful and without spot'.
Words of love that ring true for eternity,
He gave his life on that old rugged cross,
He waited only to be rejected,
He waited to no avail,
to redeem all our waits in life,
to give us an anchor of hope,
so that
they that wait on the Lord,
shall renew their strength like the eagle,
they shall run and not be weary,,
walk and not faint.

He is the promise behind all our waits.


Blogger jasmine said...

*beamsaling* so u ARE going to be a singer after all?!=)hee.
thanks for all u've said though=)and tell me when u've thought of the name of ur album!

8:04 AM  
Blogger jasmine said...

i miss miss miss miss miss you2.
do u wanna wanna wanna wanna
come see see see see see see me?=
(in UK)
I'm coming back end June dear,whee!
havn't booked air tix yet. haha.

1:46 AM  
Blogger Sharon said...

oh yes i read this yesterday! its really beautiful. love the hoodie! though i'm swimming in it a little.. heh.

1:51 AM  
Blogger jasmine said...

shar shar shar...=)let's wear the jacket together SOON=)and let's go HK diner soon so we can fatten u up, then the large jkt won't be too big=)))))))

9:21 AM  

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