Thursday, March 16, 2006

See Jesus in your past and see Him walk with you into the tomorrows.


I tidied up my room yesterday and was really happy to have chill out time to myself in the comfort of my own space. Still remember, when I first learnt to design my room in my first year. Just by adding one's own touches. Creating a space i call my own...That's one of the prizes for going overseas to study. Before, my room was mainly designed by my parents=) Also, previously, I didn't chill out much in my own room. I always preferred going to my sisters' rooms or to my parents' room to talk to them.hee. (unless we fought of course) Moreover, school was ever so hectic.

As i was chilling out, I recalled my homeless episode again.haha. I remember crying to my sisters when I was in Sharon's room. hee. And praise Jesus, He provided me with this hall. a year of signs and wonders it shall be. I looked back on this academic year and am amazed at how time flies by, cliche as it may sound.

I read my journal again. and was reminded again to behold Jesus at all times. That when I seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, all these things shall be added unto me. And the kingdom of God=righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. (Romans) The best miracles are unconcious miracles, I was reminded. When I am in pursuit of my first love(only because He first loved me) and not focused on having to 'get' or 'achieve' other things, the law of serendipity happens. Serendipity=chancing upon fortunate discoveries without being in pursuit of them. Jesus will be the one who will put me in the right place at the right time. Living by the promptings of the holy spirit, the rhythms of grace.

A pang of sadness hit me too. I must say. while i was chilling out in my room. I looked around and realised this room won't be with me for a long time. =) Come June, i will be bidding farewell to this room and the place that has been like a second home to me for the past three years. BUt i guess that's the beauty of it too. Seasons in our lives. Some things are best lived once. There is value in the finite time period. cos we learn to treasure it more. School is about to end too! And geeky and nerdy as this may sound, I am enjoying every lecture I go for.haha. Every tutorial I do. cos I realise that there's only a week and a half left of life as a UCL undergraduate. wow. Still remember coming to UCL in my first year and being amazed at how ugly the economics department is! and my dungeon looking hall. haha. Memories for a lifetime. Yet, Jesus has walked into my tomorrows for me. And I know that the surprises he has for me ahead will be just as good. Everything in its own time.


Blogger jasmine said...

amen and amen to that bro=)
your username is INTERESTING=)

12:46 AM  
Blogger Sharon said...

What a beautiful reflection!

8:37 AM  
Blogger jasmine said...

shar shar shar!hee, u still remember me wailing don't u?thanks for letting me sit on ur bed those three days(even though u were first stunned and put an extra sheet)hahahaha.see u friday for yummy italian food.rem HK diner?!

9:57 AM  
Blogger His Princess said...

Hey babe .. i jus know what you mean! i just couldn't stop crying when the time daunt on me that I was forever leaving the place I had began to love so much and call "home".

4:31 PM  

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