Friday, March 03, 2006

Arise, SHINE, for the LIGHT has come...

Daddy God is really good. He knows what I need all the time. and in his own perfect timing...
gifts of love and lovenotes from people I love!

He IS (present tense, don't live on yesterday's revelation...his mercies are new everyday, fresh as the morning dew, and he wants us to seek him daily) our SHEPHERD, and we shall not want.
He leads me beside the still waters...

Jesus reminded me today,"Arise, shine, for the LIGHT has come" I am a new creation. Old things have passed away. Old things=death, sorrow, pain and tears(as defined in revelation)

Jesus will resurrect any seemingly dead situation in my life=) He rose on the third day. He didn't die and stay in the grave. Therein lies our victory....
He told the lame man" Arise, take up your bed and walk"
He told the girl who was "dead", "Talitha Cumi"

The work has been finished. He calls us to ARISE. . .

let the light within shine forth. . . His light will cause darkness in our lives to flee. . .

"Keep your heart with all dilligence, for out of it spring the issues of LIFE"


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