Saturday, March 25, 2006


How Great is our God
Sing with me
How great is our God
and all will see
how great is our God...

how great is our God...

Name above all names,
Worthy of all praise.
My heart will sing
how GREAT is our God

I love this song.Listening to it always reminds fills me with a sense of AWE at how Great is the God that loves me...the God that I serve...the one that created the universe, every living thing, and gave his son to redeem all of creation.

It reminds me not to limit God.

It reminds me to sing him a song of praise, and to sing with my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ...sing with me how great is our God.. I thank God that when I lose sight, I have my dearest heavenly family that God has blessed me with to remind me of his goodness.Friends that refresh and rejuvenate your soul, friends whose words are just like the fresh morning dew, speaking words of LIFE into my life.

It reminds me to not just have head knowledge at how good God good JESUS is....but to know it in my heart...That's why my HEART will sing how GREAT God is....cos it's all so easy to be professional and regurgitate what's so often said on the pulpit...or to say the right "christian things"...but God doesn't care about all that. He wants me to know that in my heart....A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things...I want my heart to be FILLED with his agape love, and I want to be like David. He was called a man after God's heart. David failed! BUt yet, he was called that. David saw the mercy and goodness of God, that always leads to repentance. Thank God that he doesn't call for us all to have perfect lives, without spot or blemish. and YET, he sees us as you are all fair my love, beautiful and without spot. He sees us as already perfect, cos as christ is, so am I in this world. We're his perfect work of art, regardless of our imperfect actions.

=) Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, even as your soul prospers.

"so awesome is your love, so mighty is your hand...on eagle's wings you carry me, your grace shall be my strength, so perfect is your love, you sacrificed your son. Amazing love reached out to me, with joy to u I come..."


Blogger His Princess said...

amen! amen!! babe i have a new song i recorded from church.. really nice.. download it from this address:

10:55 PM  
Blogger jasmine said...

sam sam sam!
cannot download the song...
email to me...

3:30 AM  

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