Friday, December 21, 2007

Jeremiah 31:3

I have loved you with an everlasting love...

Friday, December 07, 2007


celebrated my boss's birthday with
-banana choc cake
-squatting in Resistance Room in the dark before jumping up to say surprise
-playing Caram(is that how u spell it, u get the idea though)
-walking all over and finally ending up at Carlton Hotel for lunch
-posing as Charlie's angels
-watching bosses and colleagues gather round as gifts are opened, the ooh the aahs =)

... ...

It was kinda nostalgic, sitting in Resistance Room....even as everyone was busy chatting, playing and having a ball.

Wonder what 2008 will bring?

so my thoughts are here there everywhere.

Looking forward to time away. !

Monday, November 26, 2007

since i started work

it seems like my world has been turned upside down
since i started work.

i've been tested in areas i've never been tested before.
went through countless emotional roller coasters.
and just when i thought things were getting more stable, and i was getting more accustomed,
change beckons.
destabilising change.

"you want to shut the world out
and just be left alone...
cos sometimes that mountain you've been climbing
is just a grain of sand
and what you've been out there searching forever
is in your hands...

when you figure God's love is all that matters after all
it sure makes everything else
seem so .

while you're sitting down
things you can't change

time's flying by moving so fast

you better make it count cos
you cant' get it back..."
- So small, Carrie Underwood

As the year comes to a close,
the year of new beginnings,
i know God heard what I asked for.
and I just want to:
live each day to the fullest,
throw futile thoughts to the wind,
give all my heart to the Creator of it's desires,
knowing that He knows my untold dreams,
my unspoken thoughts,
my needs, my wants and cries.

For the lilies neither toil nor spin,
and yet Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

The path of the just is as the shining sun...

He'll wipe away your tears and pain,
rejoice Daughter of Zion....
Shalom Jerusalem,

listening to one of my favourite sound tracks by my favourite worship leader in church, Adeline Gan!

back from a cozy getaway-Miss U Cafe-
short and sweet.
a little too short me thinks,
but work/sleep beckons!

thank you for the time, the company and the gifts.
the teddy slippers that will warm my feet,
and the coconut pig that reminds me of...

church was really refreshing for me today.
the message spoke to my heart.
it was like burdens lifted,
and the doubts cleared.
i dont' have all the answers,
but there is a rest that comes,
knowing that He is in control,
He sees what's ahead,
He knows the unknown,
and He's watching over me.

The path of the just is as the shining sun,
that shines brighter unto the perfect day.

it warms me heart thinking of the pple i spent sunday in company with.

a cuz whose wise words never fail to shed light on my situation and puts things into perspective.
a dear friend who i told is one of the best things in life that happened to me.
a sister who i can ignore happily while she talks cos she does the same to me-whose heart i safely trust-
a mum who is an oasis of comfort, a shelter i go to when i have nightmares or am disillusioned.
a special someone who i'm happy is back, who i can safely share my thoughts with.

thank you Jesus for the wealth you've given me, seen in the people i cherish and hold dear.

i've said it before and i'll say it again,
it's love that makes the world go round, go round, go round...

and swimming tmw! whee!

Thursday, November 01, 2007

4 months into work

The cherry on top of an extremely trying day was:
a necklace from a dear dear friend just back from australia!

the magic of starbucks, laughter and good company
equals burden lifted off my shoulder.

a precious gem you are,
and a rare rare find.

"lift your open hands,
strike up the band
and make the fireflies dance,
silver moon sparkling..."

life! should be a dance,
so free,
a thrillling sort of quiet,
with an unshakeable sort of stability.

so i was very disappointed today.
me thinking too much, reading too much, they say.

... ...

tomorrow is a new day,
and lessons have been learnt!
Guard your heart with all dilligence,
for out of it spring the issues of life.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Seafood dinner at new found east haven

Found a new cozy corner in the eastern haven of singapore, it's a line of food shops, ranging from modern western cafe concept to traditonal hainanese steakhouse to bread shop to yummy seafood called big eater...

exact road name?i can't recall...but it was simply lovely! It's just to the right of the end of upper east coast road.

what i like about it?

unnoticed fanfare!

it's lots of activity in a place that's hush hush quiet. unique juxtapostion. it's like an undiscovered treasure.

siglap is discovered treasure, nevertheless unique cos it's at the doorstep of the people that live close by. and the hustle and bustle there still ring of domesticity, cos pple stroll in and out of restaurants with their berms/shorts/flip flops.

nevertheless, yesterday's dinner with mum and dad was superb.
it's times like these that reminds me tian lun zi le is indeed divine.

and today, coffee at the waffle place with cuz was heartwarming.

which brings me to the saying of the day: (haha)

it's love that makes the world go round, go round, go round, go round.

thank you jesus!

Monday, October 08, 2007

It's been...

awhile since I've written on this blog...

and! while time has ticked by,
i just celebrated my 23rd birthday, four times this year on three different days! hee.

The best of which was the one spent with my family, this year, extra special, cos we have a new addition to the family.
Someone who has a teethy, cheeky grin,
someone with a gleam in her eyes,
that absolutely makes my day, even when skies are grey,
yes, even on dull dull mondays.
Someone who wears her emotions on her face,
who does not bother to hide behind a personality, a persona,
someone who demands your attention when she wants it,
and who laughs with her tiny head thrown back.
My dearest jovi!

The other best part of it was spent strolling, walking, singing, laughing, fighting!
Precious time not to be forgotten,
i can almost still feel the breeze!

ni yao xiang xin,
xiang xin wo men hui xiang tong hua gu shi li,
xing fu he kuai le
shi jie ju.