Monday, February 12, 2007

Strolling, Rambling, Roaming...

Weekend with Wei...

And so I finally visited Princeton...

Arrived when it was dark and our first stop was at Wa Wa: the convenience store next to the Princeton train station, a warm haven from the bitter cold.

The walk back was cold, but just made the warmth of her room when we arrived all the more comforting and rewarding.

Procrastination followed with the need to shower but the delight of just slacking and talking was much more enticing then the necessity to shower after a long journey...and so as expected, it was a late night.

but hey, with no classes tmw and all friday to chill....

and so we had grand plans. don't we all? wish lists....things to it what u will... it stems from the excitement of doing things with someone u cherish,

realising that while u have all day, yet time also seems short, wanting to do all u can while u can.

and so friday began rise and shine and i was greeted by stone walls with lush greenery and a quiet serenity...a quiet dignity of the place....

yummy spaghetti....being distracted by the myriad of boutiques....many of which were can i say inspiring....inspiring because space was not was something they added their own personal touch to. things they sold, displayed which i saw triggered ideas...thoughts....and i loved that....

a long walk. yet seemingly short in experience....the comfort of korean food with green tea served in engligh tea pot. the clish clash of culture.funny yet endearing.sitting by the window, eating, chatting and realising the day didnt go as planned.

gym was cancelled and replaced with window shopping. mind u window, cos the things though dear were also dear in price...heehee! nevertheless, beauty is always beauty and one need not possess to appreciate, what say u my friend? haha. and girls will be girls....
( oh oh girls just wanna have fun....-the song plays in my head as i write-)

and the long.(again) walk back....alexander streeeeet. to the graduate college where i had a blueberry milkshake made for me!

a cold drink in cold weather? you got that right. it was really good, not too thick, just refreshing. and armed with sleepless in seattle,
we went off to complete the night with a movie.

we never did.

haha. cos sleep took over....and so we let nature take its course...and i shut my eyes...thinking, reflecting.....before i finally drifted off.

so i left pretty castle town on saturday morning...with a final surprise! i found my ballet shoes!unexpected. but so glad i did!

the subtle majesty of it's castle like architecture...

the tall bare trees in winter surrounding its campus...

the starry night. and faraway orange lights.

beauty felt and experienced.

God bless u richly wei, this term and for all ur life....*hugs*

see u SOON. =)


Blogger Sharon said...

amen. one need not possess in order to appreciate :) difficult, but true.

10:49 PM  
Blogger jasmine said...

beams...cos with Jesus, we already have everything right dearie?

1:26 AM  
Blogger Sharon said...

that's true too.. but what i meant was true love seeks the good of the other person? and in its selflessness, is able to appreciate the beauty in another even though that person does/cannot belong to you.. heh. wakarimasuka?

11:42 PM  
Blogger jasmine said...

wakarimasu my dearest!
happy valentine's day!
it's snowing here!
and i prayed for a snowy valentine's day!hee

10:17 PM  

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