Friday, February 09, 2007

a letter, a pending parcel, french toast for breakfast.

" what's in the parcel?" said I.

"lots of love." says She.

"besides that?" said I.


"strawberrry shortcake.not the cake."

"as in the character...?"


"where's the blueberry pie?" said I.

"in the sky,"


Wakarimasuka? which means do u understand in Japanese? I guess not.

Listened to a sermon this morning and it confirmed lots of things I've been thinking about. It spoke of living by the spirit and not the letter...

And i realised that God meant for blessings in our lives to be a flow, and just for us to rest and FLOW according to the rhythms of His grace.

I realised that more than ever as people have been questioning me about the walls I built. And i realised that even the wall in themselves, the attempt to be guarded is in itself a subtle form of self-work. Of self protection, when really Jas, Jesus protects you!!!(yes i'm talking to myself.)

And friendships, relationships at large....are all blessings from the Creator of these blessings that He meant to colour our life with....not meant to frustrate....

And more than ever, I realise that He makes all things all things beautiful in their own time. As i look back, I realised how He's been so faithful at each juncture. and how truly as in the book of Ruth, my Jesus is God of haps. and as I rest, as you rest dear friends, He brings His promises to pass by His grace=undeserved favour.

The essence of serendipity-discovering upon fortunate discoveries without being in pursuit of them-

For surely surely surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.

Listening to his lovewhispers each day, the gentle voice of knowing, the shalom peace within...

Living each day, treasuring each moment. Carpe diem my friend!


Blogger Sharon said...

beautiful beautiful dearest!

'Beautiful is our God
The universe will sing
Hallelujah to You our King!'

You're beautiful sweet, its true.

1:25 AM  
Blogger JC said...

Serendipity! Like how when we had coffee that time and we just talked and shared and i felt like i'd known you for ages. Suddenly i have a new good friend to be a blessing in my life. Hope you've been good.

10:35 PM  

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